UNMAPPED, a work of speculative fiction set at the dawn of 2076, the American tricentennial, finds James—enamored with the Lewis and Clark expedition—yearning to explore beyond his small hometown in the Catskill Mountains.

With the rise of driverless technology and the decline of the American economy, many roads in poorer parts of the country are abandoned and Unmapped, literally removed from the maps used by the driverless Autos. Four young friends spend their days in a bar, hiding from the dust and the heat. When word comes of impending legislation outlawing the use of manually driven vehicles, James convinces them to explore the country while they still can.

A story of young love and adventure, UNMAPPED is also the story of America dealing with climate change, sea level rise and the increasingly inescapable nature of technology. James, following the trail left behind by Lewis and Clark, with the tale of the Voyager Golden Records swirling in his head, finds unexpected truths along the road. Alone at the continent’s edge, staring out to the ocean, James finally comes face to face with his own reality and learns the danger of believing in stories, however beautiful they may be.